

When 04/2010 - 11/2011
Job title Student assistant at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Focus Development of web-based services for the iGreen project
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel
Website http://www.igreen-projekt.de/iGreen/

Kepler web client

When 05/2009 - 03/2010
Job title Student assistant at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Focus Development of a web client that is able to edit and execute Kepler workflows
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel
Sources http://kepler-project.org/

Web interfaces for a Rule-Based System

When 10/2007 - 04/2009
Job title Student assistant at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Focus Development of web interfaces for a Spatially Oriented Rule Based System for a Resource and Production Management of Raw Bio-Materials
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel


When 10/2006 - 09/2007
Job title Student assistant at the University of Kaiserslautern
Focus Development of a safety and reliability analyser for embedded systems. Supported analysis models: Component fault trees and Markov chains.
Supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer
Website http://www.essarel.de/

Data Collection Tool

When 07/2005 - 09/2005
Job title Freelancer
Supervisor Reinhard Altmüller
Focus Development of a tool to collect and edit data in the framework of the Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive in Lower Saxony (Germany)